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Sirocco’s ideas that work

Over the last twenty five years, Sirocco Music has created events and concerts that are unique and distinctly Australian. On this page we have listed some ideas we have come up with - ideas that work. These concepts not only produced an entertaining and enjoyable event but created a worthwhile Australian experience. Why not try them out – let every event contribute to our cultural capital.


Conferences I Overseas Tours I Overseas Trade Exhibitions I Special Events I

Overseas Special Events I Exhibitions I Unusual Projects

Chandigarh, Agrotech exhibition


Asian Leaders Conference in Port Douglas hosted by the Australia Asia Institute UNSW

The conference included Foreign Ministers, University professors and other leaders from the nations of Asia. Korea, Philippines, China, Japan were some of the countries represented. Sirocco composed a twenty minute suite of music that interwove the melodies from these countries. This came as a complete surprise to the guests who were delighted at the culturally appropriate and respectful way this was done. At the conclusion of the suite the guest queued to individually thank each of the members of Sirocco

Royal Physicians Conference in Federal Parliament House Canberra

Sirocco performed unique Australian music and included instruments from the many cultures that make up Australia. After dinner they got the normally conservative audience up and dancing to the music of digeridu, Arabic lute, Korean drums and synthesiser. The attendees were impressed by the fact that this conference didn’t use the standard covers bands they had all seen so many times before, but chose a band that engaged the audience and performed around the tables.


Opening of the new Australian Emabssy in Indonesia

Overseas Tours

Nepal 1998 Sirocco went out into the tiny villages and performed with the local musicians. This was not part of the official concert itinerary but became an invaluable part of tour. The villages were amazed that a group could pick up their music – they were wondering what was our caste. One of the tracks on Falling Leaf was composed as a result of this tour.

In Pakistan Sirocco performed with a group of Pathan musicians from the Afghanistan boarder. This was on the main concert stage in Lahore. In all the overseas tours from Vietnam to Houston, Sirocco works with the local musicians to create a unique performance. This is just a flow-on from Sirocco’s work with multicultural musicians in Australia. There are few groups that are able to, or want to, jam with the locals. Sirocco sees this as an important part of their touring.

Ahmedabad, India
Paul in Gujurat University

Overseas Australian Trade Exhibitions

Vladivostok 1990 – Sirocco worked together with the local Russian rock group and formed the new group ‘Joint Venture’ that performed at the formal concert. As well Sirocco performed at many informal functions including the 'Aussie barbeque’ put on for our Russian hosts.

Chandigarh 1996 – At the enormous Agricultural Trade exhibition in North India (Agrotech) Sirocco performed eight times a day for a week as part of the Australia promotion. The group also sought out extra promotional performances at the local University and helped at all the unscheduled and more formal functions – even the inevitable Aussie barbeque! The performance included asking the predominantly Sikh audience to join them on stage for a traditional dance. Most did not need an invitation!

  Special Events

Macquarie Marshes - In 1993 Sirocco created an environment event in the marshes. This included original compositions describing the wetlands that included the sounds of the wetlands, a concert in the marshes, camping over night and a tour of the marshes the next morning. Also it was broadcast by satellite dish to Asia and the Pacific. Later a video and CD were released of the event.

Sirocco is proud to put on concerts in the Australian natural environment – we prefer it. All the concert halls and opera houses put together can not compete with the beauty of the Australian environment. Sirocco has performed in the limestone caves of Naracoorte, the Cape Byron Palm valley, the rainforest of Maleny Queensland and many botanical gardens. The album the ‘Evergreen Realm' was recorded in the Royal Botanic Gardens at a live concert in 1990.


audience particpation

Overseas Special Events

Borneo - Sirocco performed with the Dayaks of Central Borneo for CRA. The group requested such an event as they enjoy both working with the locals and the unusual situation. CRA were pleased as they were interested in an Australian cultural link to the local tribes. The track the River of Jewels - a journey down the Mahakam River (on Stars and Fires) - was composed after this very special event .

Medan , Indonesia - Sirocco arranged for a conversation dance between a local tribal dancers and an Aboriginal dancer from North Queensland. The audience was stunned by the similarity in style of the dancers.

Special exhibitions

Port of Call - The music accompanying a major Art exhibitions is often the last thing on the curator’s mind. Sirocco suggested that, rather that leaving it to last, Sirocco compose the music to promote the exhibition through performance. The original music would also be the music accompanying the exhibition. The Australian Museum agreed and Sirocco composed the music that is currently recorded on ‘Port of Call’. This takes the listener on a journey from the docks of London to the shores of Botany Bay. The exhibition was called ‘First Impressions’ and displayed the drawings of the first Europeans to explore Australia. Sirocco’s performances during that time promoted the exhibition and the Australian Museum sold the recordings. A perfect synergy.

Civilisation - A major imported blockbuster exhibition at the National Art Gallery in Canberra on the history of European civilisation. Sirocco, once again, composed the background music to the exhibition. The original music was used to promote the exhibition and Sirocco performed at the opening and at various events associated with the exhibition. The music was released on the Breath of Time album.


Unusual projects

Music in Gaols - Sirocco has worked in many gaols in Australia. This is not just putting on a concert, but getting the inmates to put on their own concert. Sirocco worked in one gaol over a period of six months to create a concert that included the Polynesian Warlords (14 piece a rap islander group), Arabic drum group, Aboriginal dancers and a rock group. Sirocco taught the inmates music fundamentals and instrument performance that would enable them to practice and perform together in the future.


In the spirit of Australian hospitality, Sirocco put on a free concert for the Kosovo refugees currently staying in Australia. This was not just performing Sirocco music but included the music of their region. The audience were soon up and dancing.

Sirocco's audience dancing to the music - Victor Harbour Festival

I Information I Sirocco fact Sheet I Albums I Tours and Events I Repertoire I Biographies I School Show 2011 I Make an Instrument I

For more information email : Sirocco4epmsnet